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【招聘】 北京【壹酷文化】招聘后期包装和节目发行 [复制链接]

nyzu7eKe 2015-9-10 00:24:01


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Yiku Slogan Interpretation :
"Yi" is the smallest unit in the world.“To see a world in a wild flower,
and a Bodhi in a leaf.“Everyone and every place can bea cool unit.

壹酷文化成立于 2014 年底,致力于成为一家为中文网络视频专业内容提供商(PGC)与视频独立生产者(UGC)提供全方位、全产业链运营服务的多频道网络公司(MCN=Multi Channel Networks)。

Yiku Culture Media was established at the end of 2014, aiming to become a professional Multi Channel Networks company for Chinese Professionally-generated Content (PGC) and User-generated Content (UGC) with comprehensive and profound services for the whole industrial chain.

在美国,以 YouTube 视频生产者为代表的新流行文化风潮已如火如荼,并呈现
独立视频 27 万个,拥有自运营、招商、推广、扩张能力的视频生产者不足 0.01%。

In the United States, the new Pop Culture represented by YouTube video producers is now booming, and can be characterized by mainstreaming,commercialized and clustering. Youku,the largest original video platform of China,has a daily increase of 270,000 original videos. However, only less than 0.01%of them have ability to self-operate, promote, expand and recruit.


Yiku Culture Media is rooted in the deep understanding of China's domestic video market and extensive experience in marketing, promotion, investment and financing areas. And provides an integrated service including distribution (all-platform), marketing, public relations, investment, financing and legal.

截止 2015 年 6 月,壹酷文化参与联合出品或提供服务的视频月均点击量逾 1亿次,签约专业内容生产者超过 30家,独立视频生产者超过 100位,服务客户包括《暴走大事件》、《Big 笑工坊》等全网头部视频。

BY June 2015, videos provided or participated by Yiku have over 100 million hits monthly. Yiku has over 30 signed professionally-generated Content(PGC)and over 100 signed User-generated Content(UGC), and are also in the service of key clients such as BaoZou Big Events, Big Smiling Workshopetc.
壹酷文化为电影《澳门风云 2》、《万物生长》、《左耳》、《捉妖记》、《新
娘大作战》等提供网络视频推广服务,为超过 10 家以上视频内容生产者提供了获利变现服务,与优酷、腾讯、爱奇艺、土豆、搜狐等平台均建立起了 MCN 框架协议,并与包括 36kr、Pingwest、虎嗅网、《财经天下》、单向空间等在内的知名媒体机构达成长期合作。壹酷文化正在为所签约的视频团队提供更加专业化与实用的服务。

Yiku provided video marketing for movie blockbusters such as The Man form Macau2, Ever Since We Love, The Left Ear, Monster Hunt, Bride Wars etc. Yiku also provided the realization of hit rate for more than 10 Professionally-generated Content(PGC).In the mean time, Yiku has established Multi Channel Networks (MCN) outline agreements with Youku, Tencent, iQIYI, Tudou, Sohu and also reached long-term cooperation with other well-known media organizations including 36kr, Pingwest, Huxiu,Economic Weekly, One Way Space Tutiao etc.
Yiku Culture Media now is providing more professional and practical services for the signed video producing teams.

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