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Maya 2011角色绑定基础教程 [复制链接]

九艺网 2017-3-5 03:38:39


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资源简介:Digital Tutors出品的Maya 2011角色绑定基础视频教程. 循序渐进全面的讲解了如何高效地进行角色建模基础知识、所需工具等知识.教程长达30个课时、知识点. 教学光盘提供有配套练习素材.This course will provide you with a good foundation for rigging characters in Maya.In this course, we'll be taking a step-by-step approach, constructing a control rig that is solid and animator-friendly. We'll learn everything from proper joint placement and working with constraints, to learning how to utilize Maya's innovative and robust enveloping tools to remove the fear of painting weights and, instead, make the process an enjoyable one. We'll cover how to make our controls efficient and easy to comprehend, and we'll also learn how to work with custom shelves to quickly access tools so we can speed up our workflow.教程预览:





目录:教程目录预览:1. Introduction and Project Overview2. Preparing the scene3. Building the skeleton4. Adding a hip bone5. Working with IK Handles6. Mirroring the Arm and Leg Chains7. Creating the Reverse Foot Bones8. Constraining to the Reverse Foot Bones9. Setting up the Foot Controls10. Creating Custom Attributes11. Utilizing Set Driven Keys for the Foot Roll12. Rigging the knees13. Creating Upper Body Controls14. Establishing a Center of Gravity Control15. Rigging the neck and head16. Rigging the eyelids17. The Eye Controls18. Working on Brow Controls19. Building Arm Controls20. Setting up the Elbows21. Manually Correcting a Joint Local Rotation Axis22. Starting on the finger rig23. Using the Connection Editor to Finish Our finger rig24. Adding a Global Control25. Finalizing the Control Rig26. Exploring Maya New Interactive Skinning Method27. Refining the deformations of the neck and head with the Volume Manipulator and Component Editor28. Correcting the deformations of the left leg with the Paint Weights Tool29. Mirroring Skin Weights30. Utilizing the Blend Shape Deformer to deform the face

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